
According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) as cited on Terry & Roberts Law firm website the current divorce rate in the United States is around 42%. ...
According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) as cited on Terry & Roberts Law firm website the current divorce rate in the United States is around 42%. ...

Years ago, when I worked in a church in Saskatoon, we had a minister who was in charge of Pastoral Care. We jokingly called him “Shoe leather” because his job...
Years ago, when I worked in a church in Saskatoon, we had a minister who was in charge of Pastoral Care. We jokingly called him “Shoe leather” because his job...

Years ago, I looked up the word “friend” in a dictionary. I can’t remember the exact name of the dictionary, but I do remember the description. It said, “A friend...
Years ago, I looked up the word “friend” in a dictionary. I can’t remember the exact name of the dictionary, but I do remember the description. It said, “A friend...

Are You Happy or Needy?
Over the summer I have been taking some professional development courses on defectiveness and relationships. I always try to choose topics that will give me more insight and strategies to...
Are You Happy or Needy?
Over the summer I have been taking some professional development courses on defectiveness and relationships. I always try to choose topics that will give me more insight and strategies to...

Friends or Acquaintances?
A friend is a person who you know, like and trust. Unfortunately, I frequently hear people state that they don’t have many friends and, as a result, are very lonely....
Friends or Acquaintances?
A friend is a person who you know, like and trust. Unfortunately, I frequently hear people state that they don’t have many friends and, as a result, are very lonely....

Building Relationships
Sometimes it is difficult to make connections with other people. Here are some tips to help in the process: It’s not all about you! When you are only thinking about...
Building Relationships
Sometimes it is difficult to make connections with other people. Here are some tips to help in the process: It’s not all about you! When you are only thinking about...

Division of Labour
People have frequently heard me say that I believe everyone should have the experience of living alone for a period of time. When there is a mess in the residence...
Division of Labour
People have frequently heard me say that I believe everyone should have the experience of living alone for a period of time. When there is a mess in the residence...

Glass Balls
Over the years we hear things and gather gems of wisdom that can alter the rest of our lives. I remember more than a decade ago when I attended a...
Glass Balls
Over the years we hear things and gather gems of wisdom that can alter the rest of our lives. I remember more than a decade ago when I attended a...

Healthy Boundaries
Many years ago, Kenny Rogers made famous a song called “The Gambler”. Its wise lyrics offer good advice for all of us when it comes to relationships. “You got to...
Healthy Boundaries
Many years ago, Kenny Rogers made famous a song called “The Gambler”. Its wise lyrics offer good advice for all of us when it comes to relationships. “You got to...

Family Time
Well, after months and months of social distancing, we finally were able to attend a fairly large family wedding! Justin and Kelly planned an amazing experience for everyone at her...
Family Time
Well, after months and months of social distancing, we finally were able to attend a fairly large family wedding! Justin and Kelly planned an amazing experience for everyone at her...

Making Things Right
Over the years I have worked with many couples and family members who were struggling in their relationships. Unfortunately, they usually did not come for help until their issues were...
Making Things Right
Over the years I have worked with many couples and family members who were struggling in their relationships. Unfortunately, they usually did not come for help until their issues were...

Love Is Not
Valentine's week is focused on multiple ways of showing others that one cares for or is in love with them. Hearts, flowers, candy and trinkets are given as symbols of...
Love Is Not
Valentine's week is focused on multiple ways of showing others that one cares for or is in love with them. Hearts, flowers, candy and trinkets are given as symbols of...
Wishing and Hoping
Have you ever had someone tell you that they weren't interested in having a relationship with you? That can be a devastating thing to hear. Everyone wants to be loved...
Wishing and Hoping
Have you ever had someone tell you that they weren't interested in having a relationship with you? That can be a devastating thing to hear. Everyone wants to be loved...

Are You A Nag? Try New Ways of Dealing with Others
So many times, people become upset because they are continually telling someone what should be done without results. They nag and nag about the issue, but nothing changes. Then they...
Are You A Nag? Try New Ways of Dealing with Others
So many times, people become upset because they are continually telling someone what should be done without results. They nag and nag about the issue, but nothing changes. Then they...

Who's Your Valentine?
As we approach February 14th it is time to think about relationships and their meaning. Ponder the following:1. Most people spend more time shopping for a new vehicle than finding...
Who's Your Valentine?
As we approach February 14th it is time to think about relationships and their meaning. Ponder the following:1. Most people spend more time shopping for a new vehicle than finding...
Time for Paws
Have you ever noticed that some people treat their animals better than they treat other people? They beam when Spot enters the room and spend time greeting and cuddling him....
Time for Paws
Have you ever noticed that some people treat their animals better than they treat other people? They beam when Spot enters the room and spend time greeting and cuddling him....

Love Is Not Enough - You Need More
Some people live with the idea that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Their impulsive choices bring chaos not only into their own environment but also for others...
Love Is Not Enough - You Need More
Some people live with the idea that it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Their impulsive choices bring chaos not only into their own environment but also for others...

Be a Wise Communicator
Deal with issues as they occur so that they don't pile up and form resentments. Agree that you will use the sports time-out signal when you need a break just...
Be a Wise Communicator
Deal with issues as they occur so that they don't pile up and form resentments. Agree that you will use the sports time-out signal when you need a break just...

Resolve or Regret
So many people have regrets. They feel sad, guilty or disappointed about the way things turned out and blame themselves for doing or not doing something that would have resulted...
Resolve or Regret
So many people have regrets. They feel sad, guilty or disappointed about the way things turned out and blame themselves for doing or not doing something that would have resulted...

Trust - Difficult to Get and Keep
Often I hear clients state "I just don't trust him (her)". My response is "To do what?" 1. Assumptions - You might have thoughts that a thing is certain to...
Trust - Difficult to Get and Keep
Often I hear clients state "I just don't trust him (her)". My response is "To do what?" 1. Assumptions - You might have thoughts that a thing is certain to...