Using What We Have

Dr. Linda Hancock


Dr. Hancock has written a regular weekly column entitled “All Psyched Up” for newspapers in two Canadian provinces for more than a dozen years. Over the years, her readers and clients have said that they have benefited from her common-sense solutions, wisdom, and sense of humour. Dr. Linda Hancock, the author of “Life is An Adventure…every step of the way” and “Open for Business Success” is a Registered Psychologist who has a private practice in Medicine Hat. She can be reached at 403-529-6877 or through email


August 14 2023

All Psyched Up. | | Using What We Have | by Dr. Linda Hancock | Published August 14 2023 | Revised August 28 2023

© 2022, Dr. Linda Hancock INC.

This week my daughter asked me if I would help her do some canning.  Now it has been many, many years since I had large gardens and used various ways to store the harvest

We made 18 quarts of dill pickles with garlic and almost as many of crab apple jelly

By the end of the day, we were very tired but had a healthy pride!

I have been thinking about the ways that we can all have a similar experience but not just with canning.  Here are some tips to ponder: 

  1. Use what you have – Kristal’s crab apple tree was loaded with fruit, and it seemed like such a waste not to use it.  Each of us likely has clothing, hobby materials, as well as a garages full of things that we obtained with good intentions but never used or wasted.  What are the things that you have still in original packaging or “slightly used” state?  Maybe it’s time to rekindle your interest in using them.
  2. Research your options – Fortunately, we had the internet to look for different ideas and recipes. We could make apple butter, apple juice, crumble, buckle or just decide to freeze or dry the crabs for future use.  You really don’t need to ever be bored or confused about what to do in life if you just take the time to read a book, ask a friend or check various websites.  The world is full of wonderful ideas if you will just be curious.
  3. Remember what you learned in the past – My mom used to put crab apples in a gauze bag that was hung with wooden clothes pins over a canner. Every once in awhile she would twist the bag in order to help strain the juice. We all have memories of family or friends who shared their expertise with us.  Think of the tips and skills you have learned from others and start implementing them in your life.  And remember to share the stories of how you learned these things with others!
  4. See what you can save – Growing food and preserving it can not only save money but also provide you with a taste that just can’t be purchased! There are many ways that you can protect the environment too.  Try re-using the plethora of packaging that we are inundated with. Make wise decisions about what and when you are buying items.  Know the difference between need and want.  If you don’t need it, maybe it is time to stop yourself from buying it.
  5. Create shared experiences – Doing projects with others can be fun! While cutting cucumbers I played some of my favourite music which led to interest and discussion about the artists and era in which they performed.  Family members laughed and talked about how much we will enjoy our work in February.  There is an old expression that states “Many hands make light work” but what I enjoyed the most was to have time with those I love.

The well-known comedian George Carlin made a funny video years ago called “Stuff”.  In it he made fun of the way that we surround ourselves with so many material things

We all start out in a crib and end up in a crib.  Between these experiences we tend to gather much more than we need and more than we use

This week, think about what you have and how you might make better use of it.

After all, we are each called to be stewards of what we have been given.

All Psyched Up. | | Using What We Have | by Dr. Linda Hancock | Published August 14 2023 | Revised August 28 2023

© 2022, Dr. Linda Hancock INC.