Quit Thinking About It - Just Do Something!
Dr. Linda Hancock
In 1999 Milton Garland was 101 years old and classed as the oldest worker in the United States. He was asked why he continued to work even though he was well passed the retirement age. He replied by stating that people make the mistake of trying to figure out what they would like to do. Instead, he suggested that one should do something and when you get good at it then you will like it and when you like it you won't want to quit.
Do not be afraid!
Just get a job or sign up for a College course and begin. You will gain skills, meet people and, on the way, find the path that you are to take.
My son was in the trucking industry for fourteen years moving from entry level to management positions. He always wanted to work with people and had an underlying desire to be a therapist. Every time that he built up his confidence to quit the job and go into College, however, the employer would give him a raise and he would stay at the job.
This year, however, he decided that it was time to work towards his goal. He applied for a Social Work program and not only was accepted but won a scholarship to help with his registration fees. And the good news, is that he brings years of experience and maturity with him into this new adventure!
One of the things that motivated him was when we were talking one day, and I made a comment about each course being only twelve classes. That statement helped him to see the bigger goal in small pieces and, in his mind, made it more achievable.
When you are thinking about work - don't think career. Think about starting a new job. When you are thinking about a degree - don't think four years. Think twelve classes per course. Break it down into manageable pieces.
And, as you learn and work, you will get good at the things you do. And when you get good at them, you won't want to quit!