Low Self-Esteem - The Thing That Stops You from Building a Business
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Low Self-Esteem - The Thing That Stops You from Building a Business

Some people have low self-esteem from childhood. It may be that they were treated by their parents like they could not do anything right. Perhaps they internalized messages from mean siblings who were constantly telling them that they were too fat, stupid or just not measuring up in some way.

School children can also be quite hard on their peers. Often, a student who is not very athletic or social can suffer not only from the messages that they hear from the other children but also from telling themselves over and over again that they are not acceptable.

All of us know how strongly teenagers value their peers. Whether they are right or wrong, the ideas that are held dear to one person can be adopted by others who just want to be like that person.

And these feelings and perceptions can grow and fester into adulthood affecting all the choices that the person makes from then onwards.

Those who have a low self-image can be afraid to take any risks. They may be afraid to date, marry, leave their hometown or begin any type of training to better themselves. Often, the sad news is that they never have a chance to showcase their skills or creativity.

But having a low self-image and self-esteem do not have to hold you from moving forward. In fact, your determination to begin can actually be something that you will build through business success.

Here are some of the ways that you can overcome low self-esteem:


  1. Write a list of all the skills that you have gained over the years. These might include expertise with computers, good organization, or strength in math. Aim for a list that has 30 items.
  2. Think of all the work experience you have had (paid and volunteer) and identify the areas that you enjoyed the most.
  3. Review the compliments that you have had over the years and see if there is a pattern. What was it that people noticed about you as strengths?
  4. Do research. If you really want to start a business, you need to know what options you might have.
  5. Consult with someone who believes in you. Ask for their advice and support.
  6. Start small. It is best to break big tasks into small pieces. Set a goal as to when you want to start the business and then work backwards, setting small goals for each week so that you will be ready by the goal date.
  7. Encourage yourself. Be your own best friend. What would you say to another friend? Say that to yourself.


You can do this.

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