How to Expand Your Business Presence
Some business people hide themselves in their office and suffer from the fact that others in their profession or community are not even aware that they exist!
There are so many ways that you can increase awareness of your business and build the networks that will help it to grow including the following:
1. Join a community club - Working or socializing with other people from the city or area where you live will not only help them to know about your services but also provide you with information and support from them.
2. Volunteer to work on a committee - Networking is key to developing both relationships and reputation. Just make sure that when you make a commitment to do something that you do it so that you will gain respect and trust.
3. Teach a course - The public library, college or a charitable organization will likely be grateful to have you share the expertise you have with them.
4. Write for a newspaper - Submit a Letter to the Editor or article that will help to inform the public about a specific topic.
5. Participate in activities that promote one of your passions - You might, for example, register in a fundraising project for a Women's Shelter, or attend the annual meeting at your Condo or go to a City Council meeting. Remember to ask a good question while you are there as you will gain information and raise your profile.
6. Introduce yourself to other people who live and work near your office. Connecting with others begins with a smile and a few kinds words.
7. Mentor another person - You might become a "Big Brother or Big Sister" to a child or take on a student who is wanting to build a career in your field. Each person whose life you touch, touches others and soon you will have a whole new group of people who know and trust you.
8. Offer to be a media consultant. Get to know the personnel at the newspapers, television and radio stations. When they are doing stories for their jobs, they need people who can do interviews and help them to gain appropriate perspectives for the topic.
9. Set up an "Open House" for the community to learn about your business. You might serve a small snack and hand out brochures and business cards.
10. Call into a radio talk show and speak about a topic where you have some expertise.