Change Your Career - Change Your Life!
Dr. Linda Hancock
My youngest son was manager of a large trucking company. He had been involved in the industry for several years but just didn't think that it was exactly where he should be. He had such a good way with people and everyone told him that he would be a wonderful mediator. The problem was that he had a family, mortgage and bills. It would be difficult to give up a good salary and start over again. And besides, he hadn't been in school for seventeen years.
For two or three years, Mark thought about things and finally decided that it was time to change careers. It wasn't easy for the family to sell their house, truck and many personal possessions, move to a new city and begin new lives. Adjusting to College and Student Loans was difficult but Mark just kept thinking that every semester was only twelve weeks of classes. Every diploma would only be four semesters and every degree only eight semesters.
Well, it's been less than two years. Mark has completed all his courses and is waiting for his graduation ceremony. He has received several awards and scholarships. His practicums were interesting and he has had good employment options presented to him. The other day I asked him if he had any regrets and, without any hesitation he emphatically said "No".
So many people complain about their jobs and when I suggest that they take some education so that they could begin a new career they come up with a list of excuses that would stop them from doing this. Some say they are too old while others claim they are too young. Some think they can't afford it. Others think they will fail or that they will invest into a field where there might not be work once they graduate. Many claim that they will take the challenge but don't follow through.
I find it so interesting that some people will be miserable working in a job year after year just counting the time until they can retire. Many experience health problems that result from stress. Often they work for salaries that are well below what they could earn if they got into a good educational program.
There are so many ways that you can move into a good career. It took me thirteen years to get my first degree. I just took one class at a time while I was working full-time! You can now attend classes or study through distance education on a full-time or part-time basis. Age is not a factor. In fact, many universities offer free tuition to seniors!
If you are worried about money, perhaps you should consider taking a government Student Loan or talking with your financial institution. Remember to apply for scholarships. There are thousands that are never given out each year because people just don't apply for them. When my uncle died, the family set up a scholarship in his name. My aunt was so disappointed because not one person applied in the first three years that it was available.
Well, you can go from one unsatisfactory job to another or stay in a career that you don't like until you are old enough to retire. Or, you can decide to invest yourself into an educational program that will change your life!
Remember - life is a series of choices. Make good ones!
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit http://lindahancock.com
From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker