
Fern Michaels is a number one New York Times bestselling author whose writing skills intrigue the reader with this thought-provoking tale of betrayal, hurt and suspense.

The main characters, Alex and Kate Rocket, seem to be blessed with almost everything that a couple could want - everything except a child. Their marriage, however, is a comfort to both of them. They love their home and work. And they care very deeply about their good friends Don and Debbie Winter and their two children. In fact, they usually look forward to having Sara and Emily frequently come to stay with them while their parents travel.

Life is good - at least until Sara makes an accusation against Alex that throws the Rockets' lives into a tailspin. They can't believe it when Alex, who claims innocence, is convicted and sent to prison. Kate not only knows that he is innocent but is determined to clear his name. Her attempts are detailed in page after page of frustrating actions and emotions that capture the reader's time and attention.

As each twist in the plot occurs, there is a noticeable change in Kate. She moves from being a contented and kind woman to one who is obsessed about ruining those who had destroyed the life that she and Alex had once shared and enjoyed so much. Her plan involves years of sacrifice and study and, when the time is right, she takes action that she believes will finally bring the results that she has waited so long to realize.

Ms. Michael's style of writing introduces and clearly describes the characters and settings in just a few pages and one is drawn into the plot quickly. She builds upon and develops both throughout the book as the years pass and individual traits become more pronounced over time. For example, the spoiled little girl who caused so much trouble grows into a spoiled young woman who continues to not only hurt the lives of people around her but also her own life while, at the same time, her kind and gentle sister becomes even more compassionate and attractive than she was in her youth.

It is sometimes difficult to believe that this story is fictional as the tale is written in such a realistic and detailed manner. You will find yourself experiencing anger, disappointment, fear, helplessness, and a desire for revenge along with Kate. But you will also admire her strength, respect her determination and cheer her on in her quest to seek justice for the unnecessary losses that she and Alex have suffered.

At times you might be surprised by the things that Kate does but, with reflection, you will likely come to the conclusion that she was a very intelligent and loyal woman who used her strengths the best way that she could to make up for how the law failed her husband and her.

The paperback edition of "Betrayal" offers 383 captivating pages that will transport you into a situation that is fascinating but, at the same time, one that you would never, ever want to experience in your own life.

Before you begin to read make sure that you have several hours without interruption because you will not want to set the book down until you reach the very end.

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